
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Little Talk

 Just like precious slice in any part of it.
To me,whoever comes to my life is special.
you never know how you meet someone and what God have actually planned to you.
and how they could amazingly change your life and bring different colour or taste. 
how they could possibly give you another window to see from different reflection not from the mirror you used to gaze at to.

Have you ever imagined this?
the one you thought they would be with you forever aren't, and suddenly the one you used to hate could be one of your bestfriends. 

the one you thought they aren't cool enough to hanging around with, or the one you thought they aren't smart enough to understand your opinions or view of life, suddenly become the one you always hanging around with and talking with through...

i don't wanna push anyone away my life.
don't wanna regret for anyone who's came.
Just wanna appreciate every momments whether it's good or bad, happy or sad.
i don't wanna lose anyone.
if only i could collect all the pieces...

if you wanna stay with me any longer, then please just  stay. 
don't ever leave.
cause you know, you know, we never know what God have planned. 
Maybe it's somethig bigger than we ever expected.

once upon a time, suddenLy i'm oLd.
an oLd Lady without any history.

i don't wanna be someone useLess.
i wanna do something for Life, anything to keep me aLive.
one kindness for every breath...
but i'm a Lier.
giving up and surrender in the end, then i start compLaining again, hating my seLf, seek to the death...
i feeL so numb.
so LoneLy.
nothing compares to a coLd night i feeL inside my heart.
embraced by the wind that stabs my skin...
i need your friendLy touch.
a swing Hey,
a LittLe conversation,
and a smiLe...
even if it's onLy for a whiLe.

i do Love the time i've spent with my famiLy.
but i'm a grown bird need to go fLy, discover some new worLds i never seen.
when i'm trapped. i'm stucked.
what shouLd i do then?
God pLease give me a sign... 

 aku merasa sendirian.
aku mencintai keLuargaku, tentu saja...
pertengkaran keciL dan canda tawa, semua kenyamanan yang disediakan orang tuaku, semuanya 
meLenakan aku, tapi tetap semua itu tak bisa menahan hatiku dari dinginnya angin kesepian yang berhembus kejam diam diam.
aku seLaLu kesepian.
dimana pun.
bahkan di tempat seramai apapun.
kesepian itu seperti angin...
Dia seLaLu ada bisa berhembus kapan saja.
Menusuk daLamnya jiwa tanpa pernah disangka.
aku mungkin giLa.
aku bahkan tak tau pasti apa yang membuatku begitu kesepian.
hanya merasa sendirian, terabaikan, tanpa tujuan, tersesat, terbuang...
aku ingin merasa istimewa, merasa diinginkan, merasa hebat, merasa didengar, merasa dihargai, disayangi, disukai, dicintai...
aku ingin berarti...

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